I had the opportunity to spend some time up in San Francisco over Memorial Day weekend. I didn't have enough time to hit all the spots on my list, … [Read more...]
Your Photos Don’t Need A Critique
Photo critiques are often requested by new photographers who are just starting off. Usually the point is to try and figure out ways they can improve … [Read more...]
Taking Chances
Everything that occurs in our lives can be summed up by the choices we make and the chance that our choices will bring an outcome we desire. Some … [Read more...]
Guest Post: On the Importance of Commitment
Hello! Corey's wife here, just wanting to drop by and discuss the obvious requirement for anyone with any type of passion for photography: commitment. … [Read more...]
The Mirrorless War against DSLRs
I don't intentionally go against the grain. It's just that I question everything. Call it a blessing or a curse, you decide. I live my life for me … [Read more...]